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Architecture can strengthen brands and enhance employee identification with the company

Hamburg-based architecture office ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT specializes in creating customized concepts for brands and companies to achieve identity-creating architecture

Asselmeyer architect from HamburgHamburg (pts007/08.02.2023/08:45) – Today, architecture is not just a matter of relevance for housing and urban infrastructure. Increasingly, companies and brands are using architectural opportunities to give their brand or the entire company more identity and external impact. Hamburg-based architect Justus Asselmeyer specializes in what he calls “identity architecture” and offers his clients customized concepts that provide a triad of architecture, use and communication: “Buildings communicate with their outside world. Regardless of whether they are well or poorly designed and built. This is precisely why we try to work with clients from the outset to design a clearly defined architectural language for the building in question. Regardless of whether it is a factory, office or commercial architecture. Buildings today must convey a clearly defined identity to the outside world in addition to their utility, otherwise the building is wrongly conceived.”

Well-designed identity architecture strengthens customer loyalty to the brand and the company

“I see identity architecture as a logical evolution of corporate architecture that allows buildings to be experienced by employees and customers.” Asselmeyer continues: “Cost-effective planning is not a contradiction to livable architecture. Architects need to better understand how brand and people interact. Also and especially in the long term. Only then can a building function for generations and develop a real identity that fits the surroundings, the people and the company. Only well-designed identity architecture strengthens brand and company.”

Identity architecture cannot be successful without a strong brand experience.

Asselmeyer emphasizes that simply designing attractive buildings without considering brand philosophy misses the fundamental principles of identity architecture. He believes that a clearly defined corporate image provides the best foundation for developing architectural concepts that reinforce brand and company identity.

ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT has worked with several well-known companies to create sustainable and comprehensive corporate and brand identities. These include Aldi Süd, Allianz Versicherungen, AMG Tuning, Beiersdorf, BMW, E-Plus/Base, HSV – Hamburger Sportverein, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, Nivea, Nivea Haus Hamburg, Nivea Haus Berlin, Porsche, Porsche Design, SV Beckdorf Handball, Tesa, TUI, Volkswagen, Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, FORMAT67 MEDIA HOUSE, and many more.


Info on the architecture firm and the concept of identity architecture at:
Link to the press article:


Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40 524 764 040

Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass ich seit dem 01.03.24 als Geschäftsführer für Baumschlager Eberle Architekten in Hamburg zur Leitung der Gesellschaften be Hamburg GmbH und SAA Schweger Architekten GmbH tätig bin.
Das Büro ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT wird nach Fertigstellung aller laufenden Projekte im Spät-Sommer 2024 ruhend gestellt.

Die Idee und das Prinzip der Identitätsarchitektur® führe ich bei Baumschlager Eberle Architekten fort – mit unserem internationalen und breit aufgestellten Team haben wir ganz neue Möglichkeiten, Ihr Identitätsarchitektur®-Projekt über die Realisierung bis zur Übergabe umzusetzen.

Kontaktieren Sie mich gerne - wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit und die spannenden Projekte, die vor uns liegen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen und Ihre Unterstützung!

Justus Asselmeyer

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