Employees are leaving the offices of global market leaders because these places are not designed with people in mind
ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKTin Hamburg offers identity-creating architecture
Hamburg – It’s hard to believe, but even highly acclaimed corporate headquarters are experiencing a massive exodus of employees who are reluctant to accept the buildings and prefer to spend their working hours in their home offices, even though everything seems to have been done to put an imposing building on the proverbial greenfield site. “Imposing, image and architectural reality, unfortunately, do not always meet. Modern architecture must ask itself the question: For whom are we building? The architectural concept of the respective building results from the answer to this question. Anyone who only looks at external effects will never construct a sustainably functional building that focuses on people and their needs,” says Hamburg-based architect Justus Asselmeyer, who always goes one step further in his approach to corporate architecture. His architectural approach is to design buildings that create identity, thereby helping to emotionally inspire employees and customers, while also creating an ideal workplace physically and mentally. When these criteria are met and represented, identity architecture – identity-creating architecture for companies – is created.
Clever (brand) architecture generates enormous added value and thus competitive advantages
The question of how an architect can succeed in inspiring employees, customers, suppliers and the general public in a corporate building requires not only architectural knowledge, but above all organizational psychological knowledge of people and their complex behavior. Asselmeyer: “Especially in start-up companies, people think they have found the ‘philosopher’s stone’ for making employees happy by setting up table soccer and video game machines. Nonsense, because the fact is that most of these fun distraction tools are hardly used in everyday life and can only ever be seen in active use in the companies’ nice image videos. More important is the triumvirate of identity, form and impact that can provide a truly human and architecturally coherent working environment. Every building also speaks volumes to the outside world about the company that lives in it. Therefore, while it must be seen as an important marketing tool, it must in any case satisfy the daily working life and therefore the feel-good factor of the employees who come in and go out every day.”
Medium-sized companies are allowed to think big, but should not forget about people in the process
For Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Justus Asselmeyer, who has many years of international experience, in the field of business architecture and architectural branding, especially in Germany and the USA, SMEs and mid-sized companies should certainly also think big and make architectural marks in their sphere of influence and beyond. “But the concept should not be at the expense of employees and usability,” he cautions. “After all, the employees and users of the building are the ones who have to deal with the architecture day in and day out. And depending on how it was planned, architecture can be identity-building and motivating, but also frustrating and damaging to the company’s image.”
Brand-compliant and brand-enhancing architecture for enterprises
Since its founding in 2021, the architectural firm ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT in Hamburg has focused on identity architecture. Because only those who know how buildings work have understood their meaning. That’s why the first questions in any new project are: Who is the building being built for? What is the thematic and regional focus, and what makes the company unique?
“We’re always looking for an architectural U.S.P.,” Asselmeyer said. “We treat each client like a big brand and try to create the greatest architectural impact possible. Because no matter how the new company building turns out, architecture is always perceived – positively as well as negatively. That’s why we always focus on giving the building as much identity, personality, emotion, belonging, functionality, and user orientation as possible when implementing our projects.”
Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 524 764 040
E-mail: info@asselmeyerarchitekt.de