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Future on the move: ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT plans extension to SV Beckdorf sports hall

“The project is a matter of the heart, as my three children are also in this sports club”

Sports hall extensionHamburg/Beckdorf (pts013/12.05.2023/08:55) – The joint municipality Apensen at the gates of Hamburg, experienced an enormous population growth in recent years. Many young families with children have moved in. This has also brought the Beckdorf sports hall to its capacity limits. “The fact is, there are no free hall times, many children and adults are partly on long waiting lists. This cannot and must not be. We need more space so that people of all ages can do sports. We are now hoping for support for the financing of the extension, which we as an association have to finance to a large extent from our own funds. Thanks to ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT, who are already supporting us with the planning,” said Klaus Meinke, board member of SV Beckdorf. For Beckdorf-based architect Justus Asselmeyer, sponsoring the project is a matter close to his heart: “As I myself am the father of three children, all of whom are members of the SV Beckdorf sports club, I am happy to provide advice and support in planning and implementation. The cooperation with the association and also the willingness of the municipality is great. Together, we can achieve a lot here to continue to offer sporting opportunities to the many children, but also adults and seniors, with an architecture that fully reflects the strategy and identity of the association.

A place for identification, movement and meeting! For small and large, young and old. For everyone in the community!

The multi-purpose room is designed to be functional and economical, to fit in with the existing architecture of the hall and, above all, to provide an additional area that can be used by sports of all ages. A single giant hall would only have blocked practice times for individual groups, which can now be flexibly allocated to several. Nadine Völkers, Youth Manager SV Beckdorf: “We are really looking forward to the expansion and the extension of the sports hall and are happy that the concept was approved in the municipality. With the additional space, we can offer more sports and training times through the club and offer the many children, adults but also seniors in the area various sports opportunities.”

The architectural concept: sustainable and decelerating – the focus is on people!

The architecture provides for natural, calm materials to accommodate all sports as much as possible. “No loud and obtrusive colors, because the focus is on the person in the action of movement. Sport is also mental deceleration and relaxation. That’s why there is also natural lighting through generous windows and skylights, so that the sunlight can develop its effect,” says Asselmeyer, who is sponsoring the complete planning and supervision of the extension.


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Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg
+49 (0) 40 524 764 040

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Das Büro ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT wird nach Fertigstellung aller laufenden Projekte im Spät-Sommer 2024 ruhend gestellt.

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Vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen und Ihre Unterstützung!

Justus Asselmeyer

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