Identity architecture enjoys brand protection
Why the term identity architecture is of such crucial importance for Dipl.-Ing. Architect Justus Asselmeyer
Hamburg – Identity architecture enjoys trademark protection. It took a long time, but now it is official. Why this neologism is so important for the work and creations of architect Dipl.-Ing. Justus Asselmeyer and his architectural office in Hamburg, he explains as follows: “True architecture is always and above all architecture for the human being and his interaction with the found architectural concepts as positively as possible. Unfortunately, our architecture nowadays is more and more characterized by architecture without identity and simply optimized for the surfaces – but not developed for the people. Buildings today are hardly ever created for their inhabitants or their users, but only to fulfill certain imposed specifications or rational goals of investors. We counter this with the brand Identity Architecture ®. Our thesis is simple: regardless of whether it is residential or commercial architecture – a building is always identity-creating and it should therefore have as high a feel-good factor as possible for its occupants, users and viewers.”
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Buildings must be designed to create identity
Anyone who looks at the current and effusive reviews by architecture critics of modern building concepts of major brands, companies or organizations cannot help but wonder. In most cases, the most important factor, “the human being,” plays only a subordinate role in these construction concepts. He is mostly just an extra, although these often thousands of people have to live in and with these buildings every day. The criticism of the users of these building solutions then also turns out to be completely different.
“The revolt of many users of modern buildings arises primarily because architectural concepts are often implemented in a cold, off-putting way that lacks identity altogether,” says Hamburg-based architect Justus Asselmeyer. For years, he has been arguing for more empathy and psychological sensitivity on the part of architects: “Architects need to become much more psychologists, communication strategists, and brand experts in order to meet all the fundamental human needs of architecture. This is precisely why the link between identity and architecture is so eminently important, and we are delighted to have trademark protection for this concept, which is so relevant to us, in all our concepts, work and buildings.”
Many years of experience in the development of identity architecture
Architect Justus Asselmeyer has been working for many years for private clients, but also for agencies, companies and for the world’s largest brands in the field of architecture, to breathe life into the concept and to develop architectural living and working concepts that are in the spirit of a lived corporate identity, brand identity, or even the very personal identity of an individual client.
Companies and brands for which concepts in terms of corporate and brand identity have already been developed and implemented, among others, on behalf of the Hamburg agency for Brand.Experience.Architecture “NEST ONE” and Justus Asselmeyer: Aldi Süd, Allianz Versicherungen, AMG Tuning, Beiersdorf, BMW, E-Plus/Base, HSV – Hamburger Sportverein, Hyundai, Ista Express Service, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, Nivea, Nivea Haus Hamburg, Nivea Haus Berlin, Porsche, Porsche Design, SV Beckdorf Handball, Tesa, TUI, Volkswagen, Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, FORMAT67 MEDIA HOUSE agency and many private clients.
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