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Ludwigshafen matures from “ugliest city in Germany” to “coolest city”

ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT Hamburg: New image for Ludwigshafen through identity architecture – “Utilizing the region’s innovative strength to initiate change”.

Ludwigshafen matures from Hamburg/Ludwigshafen/New York – When an ambitious Hamburg architect reads several articles in the media dealing with the “ugliest city in Germany,” he takes action, even if he is not from that city. “Ludwigshafen has urban planning problems, but I was still amazed at how little the residents identify with the city. The residents see themselves more as Oggersheimer, Friesenheimer, Mundenheimer et cetera than as Ludwigshafeners. Here, the innovative power of the region, the resident companies and its people would have to be used to create a new proud self-confidence of its inhabitants through targeted beta solutions and creative establishment of identity architecture – a new image for Ludwigshafen through identity architecture,” says Hamburg architect Dipl.-Ing. Justus Asselmeyer.

“Germany’s ugliest City” can become “Germany’s coolest City

Asselmeyer and his team researched and identified the problems quite quickly: the design of the city center, the problem of elevated roads, the main train station, the Rathaus Center, the Walzmühle and a few more. “Until now, people have looked the other way for years, but these problems need to be actively addressed and creatively solved. And boldly visionary about the future, not looking to the past,” Asselmeyer said.

Vision: Ludwigshafen opens the world’s longest pedestrian and bicycle elevated highway

“My demands to the city leaders: an analysis of the small and large potentials of this city and its people to enable the elaboration of a new forward-looking city DNA. Then, step by step, ‘Beta Solutions for Ludwigshafen’ will turn Germany’s ugliest city into the new and beautiful Ludwigshafen, of which its inhabitants can be justly proud, through innovative spirit and creative human identity architecture. Therefore, transforming the elevated road into a climate-friendly pedestrian and bicycle elevated road would be a real statement and cool for Ludwigshafen and its image,” says architect Asselmeyer, who has more than 20 years of international experience in architecture and also urban architecture & public space design and has an analyzing and open view on Ludwigshafen’s current problems.

Information on the city of Ludwigshafen at:

Long row 29
20099 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 40 524 764 040

Ich freue mich, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass ich seit dem 01.03.24 als Geschäftsführer für Baumschlager Eberle Architekten in Hamburg zur Leitung der Gesellschaften be Hamburg GmbH und SAA Schweger Architekten GmbH tätig bin.
Das Büro ASSELMEYER ARCHITEKT wird nach Fertigstellung aller laufenden Projekte im Spät-Sommer 2024 ruhend gestellt.

Die Idee und das Prinzip der Identitätsarchitektur® führe ich bei Baumschlager Eberle Architekten fort – mit unserem internationalen und breit aufgestellten Team haben wir ganz neue Möglichkeiten, Ihr Identitätsarchitektur®-Projekt über die Realisierung bis zur Übergabe umzusetzen.

Kontaktieren Sie mich gerne - wir freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit und die spannenden Projekte, die vor uns liegen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen und Ihre Unterstützung!

Justus Asselmeyer

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